The Western Mind


The Western mind is hyper-fixated on output, obsessed with production, and intoxicated by fire. Patience is not usually rewarded, and unadulterated ambition is the divine value. Any emotion that does not appear to support the illusion is unacceptable. Anxiety and fear are dark, shameful feelings that must be squashed. The western mind is not trained to patiently observe; to be attentive, yet unattached. The western mind is not prepared to experience emotions that the society has clearly marked as “bad”. The western mind is blindfolded by a childish fantasy of individualism; unable to see the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe. This illusion of individualism taints the culture, law, and even our spirituality. Our evangelical curriculum does not teach us to recognize the true nature of union with God, of Oneness with everything. The western mind does not appear to value true freedom, serenity, or happiness. Because true freedom has no interest in litigating whether or not it is free. The lowest illusion of freedom pounds its chest and blows its horns, insisting to the world that it is the real thing. The freedom of American mythology is a grotesque mirage, only visible from a distance. And upon closer inspection you realize that you’ve fallen for a trick. American freedom is a rallying cry, the trumpet of ego, nationalism, and fear.

But the western mind is not God. The mythology of America is not God. The religion of Americanism is not eternal. Finding the Way is more than possible. The work is particularly difficult in the beginning - when you aren’t used to letting your thoughts come and go without attaching. All of your stored fear and anxiety will come to the surface, and you will be forced to look directly into the Void. This can be frightening. But that is the Way. Fear and anxiety must be released before they can be balanced. Then you will come to know fear and anxiety as friends. They are challenging emotions. They facilitate growth and cleansing. They are real, meaningful emotions that play a part in the theater of our minds. Fear and anxiety should not be stuffed into a box and avoided - this is what breeds demons. They should be noticed, observed, and released. When you can use them in a healthy way, they become your friends. Then you have truly defeated an enemy.

This process of reflection and release will lead you to view this world differently. The values you were taught to uphold will reveal themselves for the illusions that they are. The evangelical church has a robust program of indoctrination. Their curriculum will insist that you read the words of Jesus, that you commune with God on a daily basis. But to actually follow through on their demands will cause such a radical change in the way you live your life that the very same people who introduced you to Christ will call you insane for actually believing his words. Contentment is not easily understood by a society that defines each person’s value by the amount of revenue they are able to generate for a Bond villain-esque idol that, if we’re honest with ourselves, our society worships with more vigor and conviction than Jesus himself.

So embrace insanity. Dance to the music inside your mind, relax your body and let your mind follow the flow of the unending river. Your happiness, your sense of contentment, will perplex, annoy, and even frighten those who are still caught in the web of illusion that we have spun throughout the centuries. But when you recognize your Oneness with nature, this won’t bother you. You’ll probably even find it funny.